Lean diffusion combustion mechanism in bump combustion chamber 燃烧室的稀扩散燃烧机理
A new method for simulation of turbulent diffusion combustion : conditional moment closure model 用于模拟湍流射流扩散燃烧的条件矩模型
The impact of thermal radiation on the flame structure and the formation of nox during an oxygen - enriched diffusion combustion process 带脱硫系统的火电厂烟囱低温腐蚀模拟实验研究
The mechanism and role of the bump combustion chamber in mixture formation of lean diffusion combustion and the main parameters that influence diesel secondary impingement jet were the major objective of the investigation in this paper in order to lay the foundation of improving the design of the bump combustion chamber Bump燃烧室是直喷式柴油机实现hcci燃烧新概念的复合燃烧技术的关键。本文主要研究bump的机理,揭示bump在稀扩散燃烧混合气形成中的作用,探索柴油撞壁射流的主要影响因素,为改进bump燃烧室设计提供依据。